教师 Appointments 和 促销活动s

教师 Appointments




  • Show evidence of involvement in the educational program
  • Have an affiliation with Corewell Health or Oakl和 University
  • 拥有与所考虑的学科相关的适当的最终学位

医学院的教师任命流程是通过OUWB的在线预约和晋升系统进行管理的 SmartPath


确认后,申请人将收到一封电子邮件,以准备他们的简历 SmartPath 系统.

Types of Appointments

St和ard Appointment

  • Time limited non-tenure track appointment
  • Must maintain active affiliation with Corewell健康 or Oakl和 University
  • 3 year renewable appointment


  • 365英国上市官网聘用的助理或助理级别的教师. Not available to those with a clinical focus.
  • Must maintain active employment with Corewell健康 or Oakl和 University
  • Assistant 教授s must advance to the rank of Associate with tenure
  • 副教授级别的终身教职教师必须在首次任命后的四年内寻求并获得终身教职


  • 承认在副教授和教授级别的学术成就的特殊水平
  • Granted in seven-year terms; renewable indefinitely
  • Subject to post-tenure review


  • 兼职, 二次, 名誉, Visiting (for more information regarding supplemental appointments, 请参阅 OUWB 教师 H和book).

如欲了解更多有关预约程序的资料,请透过电邮与我们联络 [email protected]

促销活动 Training

Join us to learn about the promotion process; including criteria for promotion, how to format your CV 和 promotion dossier, 和 tips for documenting your achievements.

任何计划申请晋升的教员都可以接受晋升培训, or for those who would like to learn more about the OUWB promotion process. 

教练 applying to the rank of Assistant 教授 促销活动 Requirements:

  • Hold rank of instructor for 2 years or more prior to applying
  • Attend the virtual session Underst和ing the Requirements for 促销活动
  • 在Smartpath中查看录制的培训模块“完成您的晋升申请”

Assistant 教授s applying to the rank of Associate 教授 和 Associate 教授s applying to the rank of 教授 促销活动 Training Requirements:

  • 成功的策略:引导开放式大学教师晋升过程(虚拟会话)
  • Completing Your 促销活动 Application in SmartPath (Recorded Session)

St和ard 教师 促销活动s (Corewell健康 Based): 对于一个标准的教师晋升到副教授或教授级别的候选人,在晋升开始时必须完成至少5年的助理或副教授或同等学历.  

终身跟踪 教师 (Oakl和 University Based): 助理教授必须在第6年申请晋升和终身职位,并在第7年之前获得晋升和终身职位.

终身 Associate 教授s (Oakl和 University Based): 终身副教授晋升为教授不受时间限制.

如果您是公开大学商学院的教职员工,有兴趣参加晋升培训,请填写 促销活动 Training Interest Survey to receive information on upcoming sessions.

St和ard 促销活动s
  1. 教育
  2. 奖学金
  3. 服务 
  4. Patient Care/Clinical Activities
申请助教或副教授职位的教员必须在以下方面证明其优秀 three of the four achievement categories. 教师 members with a Clinician focus must document achievement in 服务two additional achievement categories. 以临床医师调查员或临床医师教育者为重点的教员必须在 奖学金, 服务one additional achievement category.  申请教授(所有重点)级别的教师必须在所有四个成就类别中都表现出色. 

终身跟踪 - 终身 促销活动s 
  1. 教育
  2. 奖学金
  3. 服务
General Information for 促销活动

该文件必须清晰明确,因为晋升和/或终身教职申请将在医学院和大学的几个级别进行审查,以核实是否符合标准.公开商学院的教员晋升过程每年在3月份公布. The process is managed through our faculty data tracking 系统 SmartPath. The 系统 optimizes the promotion process by facilitating web based submissions for the material required for promotion; including but not limited to the promotion application, curriculum vitae (CV), personal statement, achievement summaries 和 electronic reference solicitation. 有兴趣寻求晋升的教师必须与相应的系主任会面,讨论准备情况. At the appropriate time, 的推广模块应提供支持的推广建议 SmartPath 系统. 有关推广程序和标准的更多信息,请参阅 OUWB 教师 H和book

Contact Us for Further Information 
有关晋升过程的进一步信息,请联系Deirdre Pitts博士.D.,
Associate Dean for 教师 & 员工事务 & Professional Development, at  [email protected] or Janine DeWitte, M.Ed., Assistant Dean for 教员事务 和 Professional Development, at  [email protected]


请联系 [email protected] if you have any questions, or any issues logging in.

Corewell Affiliated Login:
Username: Corewell健康 ID (DR#, BH# or 6 digit pin)
Password: the corresponding password for your ID  
*Password is case sensitive. 
Affiliation: Corewell健康 

Oakl和 University Affiliated Login: 
Username: Oakl和 University NetID
Password: the corresponding password for your NetID
*Password is case sensitive. 
Affiliation: Oakl和


促销活动 和 appointment applicants, CAPT 和 DCAPT members, Department Chairs, 和行政助理将能够在简历模块和工作流模块之间切换,以输入信息. This button is found at the top right of the SmartPath webpage.

工作流的访问 Button